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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 28th April 2017

Hello.... another great week in 3F

In maths we have been  working on fractions counting up and down in tenths through whole numbers, with success. We have also learned how many fifths, quarters, thirds and sixths make a whole one. 

One session we spent playing maths games and the teachers were impressed by the

co-operation displayed by many children.

 In English we have continued to look at Myths and Legends. The children have chosen the monster, hero or heroine, problem, setting and magical items that they are going to include in their own myth that they will create next week.
 In PE we worked on our skills of catching and throwing. We are certainly improving and having fun at the same time.

Finally, have your say.  Each week you will have a chance to decide on which new song we will learn in next week's whole school assembly.  Click on the link below to take part in an online vote.
