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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 28th April

Welcome back to 6F blog, here's what we have bee up to this week...


It's been a busy time in class this week - we have done loads of revision in Maths and English and confidence is soaring at the minute which is fab news!! no no no


We started a new topic on Thursday all about an ancient tribe called the Mayans who were located in Central America. The children were really excited about it and we made lots of sensible predictions about them as well as locating where they were from on a world map.


In Science we looked at bacteria - good and bad - which led us to the story of Edward Jenner who found the cure for smallpox. Ask your children about the methods he used in order to find a cure - gross!!! wink


Children have been sent home with some Maths and English homework, and as always, we appreciate your support with encouraging your children to complete it over the Bank Holiday weekend.


See you on Tuesday

Love from

Mrs Parry and Mrs Melling xx

Finally, have your say.  Each week you will have a chance to decide on which new song we will learn in next week's whole school assembly.  Click on the link below to take part in an online vote.
