Welcome to Year 5F’s blog for the week. It has been quite an eventful time as we have had our Transition Mornings. The children have enjoyed meeting their new teachers Mr Metcalfe and Mrs Lyon and having of a flavour of life in Year 6.
Maths – During Transition, the children looked at halving both odd and even 3-digit numbers. Also, they have been using the column method to add and subtract numbers. The ability to half a number quickly is a really important mathematical skill.
Take some time to practise halving at home by clicking on the link below…
English – During their time in Year 6, the children wrote a letter to their new teachers to tell them about themselves. In addition, they have been introduced to The Giant’s Necklace by Michael Morpurgo. They have read the blurb and the first few pages and made some predictions about what they have read so far. They will be given the book to take home to read and enjoy over the summer holidays.
Topic – This week the children have been learning about the the Pilgrim Fathers and their voyage to America on the Mayflower. This website will tell you more about their journey across the Atlantic Ocean in 1620.
Computing – The topic for this half term is all about emailing. The children created some short animations using Purple Mash which then then emailed to Mr Price. Please take a look at some of their fantastic work…
Here is our certificate winner for this week. She won it for standing out during the transition to Year 6. She impressed Mr Metcalfe with her 'can do' attitude. She went on to be chosen as Upper Phase Pupil of the Week and gets to keep the trophy at home for the week. A big WELL DONE from all of us!
All that remains is to wish you a great weekend, let’s hope it stays warm and sunny, and we will see you again on Monday.