Another busy week! We're half way through our first half term in year 1, we can't believe how quick it is going!
Congratulations to Milena for winning the achievement award for trying her best in everything she does and always having a beautiful smile while she does it.
We have read the story 'Little Red Riding Hood' and we have started to think about the different characters in the story. We helped Little Red Riding Hood by sending her some 'Beware!' posters to put up around the woods to let people know to stay away from the wolf!
We have been finding 1 more and 1 less than numbers. We can use objects, pictures and number lines to help us. Next week we will continue to compare numbers but we will be using the language of greater than, less than, fewer, more than, most, least, equal to. You can help us to understand these words at home, we usually find greater than, least and fewer the trickiest.
In Science we helped Mr Sherriff by explaining which materials were good to use for building a school. We said we need glass for windows because it is see-through, brick for walls as it is strong, and metal for the gates as it is strong.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Duckworth and all the Y1F staff
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