Hello and welcome to the new half term and 5W’s blog. We hope you had a good break.
In maths we looked at and worked on addition pyramids. This is where we were given 6 blocks in a pyramid. Some of the blocks had numbers in and some were blank. Numbers that are next to each other are then added together to make the number above. Sometimes if there isn’t an adjacent number, you had to do the inverse and take number away.
So, on the first pyramid 3+8=11 then 21-11=10 so a = 2
These are very simple numbers; we had three-digit number pyramids.
Also, in maths, we looked at balancing equations eg
45 + 15 = 37 + 23
So, each side of the equation must equal 60(45+15) therefore 60-23=37
37 being the missing answer.
In English we started a new text called Bling. The work was little bit different as Miss Power didn’t read us the story, she gave us the pictures in order and we had too infer what we thought was happening.
Following this we were given a copy of some of the text. Our job was to highlight parts that gave us clues to Billy’s character. We then went on to look at another character in the story; the Chimichanga. This time we had to fill in a suspect identity sheet; using thesauruses to improve our vocabulary.
This led to us producing a Wanted Poster.
In science we looked at the differences between wind and insect pollinated plants. Generally speaking, colourful, scented flowering plants attract insects and grasses and trees tend to rely on the wind. Following that we looked at the life cycle of a plant.
We began a new topic on Anglo-Saxons. We looked at where and how they lived and at the clothes they wore. Compiling a leaflet was our task complete with some illustrations.
Pupil of the week is …… Layla Berry for simply being Layla! A role model, a superstar, a hard worker, a joy to teach; a teacher’s dream!
A very happy birthday to Maisie Cottom who celebrates her birthday tomorrow. Hope you have an exciting day!
Have a super weekend. If you're going to a bonfire, be careful and stat safe!