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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 30th June

Good morning and welcome to our blog for this last week in June! Time seems to be flying at the moment! 


Maths - This week in maths the children have continued collecting and interpreting data. They have produced line graphs to display their data. 


English - We have been learning all about Chichen Itza, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, that can be found in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. This world famous place is one of the Maya civilisations greatest cities. The children have been drafting a travel leaflet all about this spectacular place. 


On Wednesday, Rock Kidz came into school for a visit and spoke to the children about never giving up! Here are some photos from their time in school...



Our certificate winner this week is Alex for continued commitment and dedication to his home reading.  Well done Alex from all of Year 6W smileysmileysmiley Reading at home is so important!

A big thank you to everyone who has sent in their child's baby photograph for our end of year assembly. Can anyone who hasn't as of yet either WEDUC their child's photo to school or send in a photo and we will then scan and return to to you. 


That's it for this week. We hope you have a great weekend and will see you again on Monday. Unbelievably, it will be July tomorrow and only three weeks left of being in Year 6! Where has the time gone?
