Congratulations go to Star this week for working so hard on her handwriting and the presentation of her work. The results are brilliant. Well done, Star!
We are officially Roald Dahl experts!
Now that we have come to the end of our work on biographies we have been writing our own on Roald Dahl using all the many facts we know about him (and that's a lot!). We have drafted and redrafted our writing until it was our best and the results were absolutely amazing!
Even more new visitors have moved into our reading area with thanks to Mrs Pickavance and our walls now look fantastic - Roald Dahl would be very proud.
The next genre we will be learning more about is Poetry so get reading...
In Maths, we have just finished learning about the different aspects of Place Value including
In PE, we have been learning the techniques for effective throwing and catching. We have played in teams to practise and see which team could throw accurately. Take a look at us in action...