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Friday 3rd December

Friday 3rd December 2021

Welcome to Y6F’s blog for this week. As always, it has been another busy week here in class.


English – We have completed our class novel, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, by C. S. Lewis. The children have thoroughly enjoyed listening to this classic novel being read out loud to them.


In addition, this week the children have completed writing activities based around a BBC Christmas advert about Sprout Boy. Click on the link below to watch this advert from 2015…

Maths – This week the children have completed their topic on fractions. They have investigated finding a fraction of an amount. For example

3/5 of £55         or     5/6 of 72kg     or     7/10 of 120


They have used the DDTT method to work out their answers. DDTT means divide by the denominator (bottom part of the fraction) and times by the top (the numerator or top part of the fraction) So, to work a calculation out would look like this…


3/5 of £55 = £33       5/6 of 72kg = 60kg          7/10 of 120 = 70

55 ÷ 5 = 11                  72 ÷ 6 = 12                         120 ÷ 10 = 12

11 x 3 = 33                  12 x 5 = 60                         12 x 7 = 70


This online game is a quick, easy and fun way to practise finding a fraction of an amount at home…

Topic – The children have been learning about another capital city this week…Moscow, the capital city of Russia. Did you know that Russia is so large that it spans two continents? Moscow, its capital, is in Europe, but further east Russia becomes part of Asia.


Throughout their topic, the children have been learning about physical features and human features. Physical features are natural features on the Earth's surface, such as water, lakes, mountains, and deserts. A human feature is something built by man that would not have existed in nature. These include anything from a house to a city, roads, rail and canals etc..


St Basil’s Cathedral is a magnificent building that can be found in Red Square in Moscow. It is a truly spectacular human feature.

Legend says that Ivan the Terrible thought that it was so beautiful that he blinded the architects so they would never be able to replicate anything as beautiful again!


The children have written poems about this unique place. Here is a selection from the children’s books…

Here is our certificate winner for this week. He won for his all-round enthusiasm in all lessons. He is always 100% focused, always produces his best work and is always a great role-model to others.  smileysmileysmiley

All that remains to say is have a fabulous weekend. We will see you again on Monday.
