Friday 3rd February
Welcome to this week’s blog from Year 5F. We can't believe that we're already into February! Where did January go?
Maths – The children have continued to look at fractions this week. They have used the bar model method to find fractions of amounts. The children had to decide what the whole amount was, then how many parts it needed splitting up into and finally how much they needed for their answer. Take a look at this image which shows how to find ¾ of 20…
Take a look at this website which will take you through the steps tp build a bar model and answer fraction problems…
English – We have now completed reading our class novel, The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The children have thoroughly enjoyed it.
The children have all written their own Iron Giant story. Each child chose their favourite part they had written (either the opening, problem or ending) and copied up in their neatest handwriting to go on display in class. Take a look at some of their finished work…
The children went on to watch the animated film The Iron Giant which is based on The Iron Man novel. After watching it, they went on to compare the book with the film, looking for the differences and the similarities. Take a look at the official trailer to see what the film is all about...
Topic – The children have made space fact ‘fiddlers’ this week and tried them out on their friends in class.
Science – The children have been learning about how we have night and day on Earth. We used a globe (to represent the Earth) and a torch (to represent the sun) to investigate. The children discovered that when a part of the Earth faces towards the sun it will be in daylight, whereas the part facing away will be in darkness. This is how we have day and night.
Here is our PUPIL OF THE WEEK. She won for writing a truly excellent piece of writing about The Iron Man. She showed off all the Year 5 writing skills she has learnt so far this year. Well done! She also went on to win the UPPER PHASE TROPHY! WOW! What a superstar!
Just a quick reminder that the children will be walking to St Francis' Church on Tuesday 7th February next week. Could you please ensure that they bring a coat (as the weather is very unpredictable) and that they are wearing suitable shoes to walk in. Many thanks.
All that remains to say is have a great weekend and we will see you again on Monday.