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Friday 3rd March 2017

Welcome back to 4F's blog. 

We have crammed so much in it is difficult to believe that it has only been a week since the half term break. As you may know, Mr Price has been poorly this week and hasn't been in school. This has not stopped us from working hard and doing Mr Price proud with our effort.


Let's kick off by saying congratulations to Luke, this week's class award winner. It was noted this week that Luke has had a great attitude in class and has definitely earned this certificate. Well done, Luke.


In English, we have been focusing on speech this week and using the correct punctuation when using direct speech in our writing. To help us with this we were given characters to be and enjoyed taking part in some role play. We enjoyed having conversations with each others and then practised writing speech by writing down what we had said. Some of us got to be characters such as Super Mario, Uncle Grandpa, Scooby Doo, Peter Pan, Minnie Mouse, BFG and Sophie.

We had some very interesting conversations indeed, but it certainly helped us to write direct speech correctly!

We have also practised contractions (no midwives involved!). These are words that we can put together to make a shorter (contracted) word e.g. I am can be written as I'm. We had to make sure we remembered the apostrophe in the right place too. Punctuation is everywhere!

Have a go with these below. Can you make the contracted form?

did not =

does not = 

they are = 

I have = 

will not = 

Now proof read for punctuation - did you remember the apostrophe?

Try this now: A vowel is ALWAYS omitted when 2 words are pushed together to make a contraction. True of False? Prove it!


In Maths, we have been using the work we did recently on fractions to help us to learn more about decimals. Did you know that 1 tenth is the same as 0.1?

Did you also know that when you multiply a number by 10 the digits in that number move one place to the left. We told you we've worked hard this week.

Try these:

0.5 x 10 =

1.8 x 10 =

26.9 x 10 =

142.3 x 10 =

We also went on to work out that when we divide by 10 then the digits move one place to the right!

Decimals are everywhere. Look closely around you and you will start noticing them. 


Thursday, 2nd March was World Book Day and my goodness what a lot of effort we put into dressing up. We enjoyed celebrating the day immensely. After all it's not every day you get to sit next to so many different book characters!


Finally, we need to say a big 'thank you' to all the adults that have worked hard with us this week in Mr Price's absence and of course a 'get well soon' to Mr Price and hope he is back in school soon. We have all missed you (and the singing in assembly today!)
