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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 3rd November 2017

Wow, what a busy week we have had.  It's all go...don't you know.

In Maths, we have started a block of work on Multiplication and Division.  In our Phase Assembly this week, Mrs Ford asked us to give a real push on our Tables Bands.  As you well know, we like a challenge.  So, we are on a mission to achieve some of our bands before our next Phase Assembly in two weeks time.  You could help us at home by helping us go through some of our tables and then testing us.  Also, you could maybe challenge us to some of these online games here.

Or here... Or even here.

In English, we have been linking our work to the class reader that we finished recently called The Firework Maker's Daughter.  We have really enjoyed our work -we have been thinking about expanded noun phrases, imaginative things that might go into the fireworks that we named ourselves, and we wrote recipes for imaginative fireworks.  They're great! Check out some of our work below.

You may well be aware that our current class reader is Varjak Paw...we might have mentioned it in passing.frown  On Monday, we will start our work in English on Varjak, so our daily reading blog will be up and running again.  We held the draw on Thursday for the winner of the copy of The Firework Makers Daughter...and the winner was...da-da-da-da-da-da-daaaa...Mollie!  Well done Mollie.  Today (Friday) we will start to collect signatures for reading on our Varjak Paw bookmarks.  We have 2 weeks to collect 14 sigantures -easily done!laugh  

Also, have you had the pleasure of seeing our new bookmarks that Mrs Carlson made for us?  Ask us to show them to you.  They are a laminated copy of the postcard sent to us by Kieran Larwood -author of Podkin One-Ear.  Amazing huh?

Anyway, enough chat for now.  Have a great weekend -enjoy your Bonfire Night -and, stay safe.
