Welcome back,
I hope you all had a great week off and have recharged your batteries!
Well done to Jack our pupil of the week, for his effort at home and in class to improve his reading. This has had a huge impact on his confidence.
Well done to our superstar readers, find out who they are below!
This week we have continued to look at column addition. We are starting to master it now. Next week we will be looking at subtraction. Some of used concrete representations to help us to add.
Try these at home:
1) 356+231=
2) 625+716=
How did you do?
This week in English we have had a Halloween and Bonfire Night themed week.We started the week by reading the start of the 'Hairy Toe'. We had to predict what was going to happen next. And on Tuesday we had to write our own story ending. On Wednesday we wrote a description about Bonfire Night, these blew Mr Fletcher away! Next we learnt about why we celebrate Bonfire Night and on Friday we wrote an Acrostic Poem.
Check out Layla and Aaron's English work below, they were really good!