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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 4th October

Hello again to another Y6F Blog as we summarise all the exciting goings on in Year Six. 


In English, the week has been spent in planning, writing and improving an independent narrative in the genre of a portal story. Effort and attitude has been strong with many children producing sustained, well structured pieces. 


In maths, solving multi step problems has been the focus. We have used bar modelling to help the children to learn how to organise the information within the problem. This in turn can help them to reason what must be done. The top portion of the bar always contains the whole, whereas the bottom portion contains the parts. The bottom portion always equals the top when complete. Like everything in Y6, these skills are never taught once and then left. We will return regularly in our efforts to embed them. 


By our next BLOG, we will hope to have our dogfight animations completed and so we can post them. Hope you enjoyed the ones already done. Until then - bye for now!
