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Friday 5th January 2018

Wow, 2018!  Don't blink, or you may miss it.  We hope you have all had a great Christmas and New Year, and it's been great to see all our children arrive back in school safely, with smiles on their faces and eager to continue their Year 4 journey.

In English this week, we started by looking at newspaper reports.  We were able to identify lots of the features -such as headline, by-line, quotes etc.  On Friday, we looked at a great poem by Edward Lear called The Owl and the Pussy Cat.  Apparently, it is a nonsense poem.  However, it seemed to make sense to us.  It is about an owl and a pussy cat that sail away to sea to get married.  No, we get it really.  It's the fact that it's an owl and a pussy cat that are married.  Take a look at this short animation of the poem.

The Owl and the Pussy Cat

Still image for this video

Then, we identified the 5 Ws in the poem that you might find in a newspaper report.  The 5 Ws are Who, What, Where, When, Why -(sometimes there is a H for How too).  Watch the animation again and see if you can answer these questions to help find the 5Ws.

Who is the poem about?

What are the characters doing?

Where does the poem take place?

When does the story take place?

Why do the events in the poem happen?



In Maths this week, we have been looking at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.  When we multiply or divide by 10 or 100, we make things 10 times or 100 times bigger.  When this happens the digits shift -to the left when we multiply, to the right when we divide.  The amount of times the digits shift can be found by looking at the amounts of zeros -so for 10, that's one zero, so the shift is one place.  For 100, there are 2 zeros, so the digits are shifted 2 places.

Say, why not have a go at multiplying and dividing by multiples of ten on this online activity?  Here

Take a look at who received books for Christmas.  Cool huh?


And finally, here's the Year 4 News from our news-readers Simon and Rose.

news 5th jan.avi

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