Hello again, welcome back to our blog!
Well what a week we have had this week! The learning has been outstanding!
We have been learning different formulas in maths to help us calculate the area of triangles and parallellograms, your children did a great job with this!
In English, we completed our guide on how to care for a miptor and spent quite a bit of time looking at a range of grammar aspects. The class are really enjoying our class novel, so much so that we are already almost at the end of it!
In history we looked at the famous artist, William Morris. We found out about his life and career and discussed some of his most famous designs. The children then created some of their own designs based on his.
We examined some research in science that was obtained by John Boyd Orr. He carried out an experiment on the effects of malnutrition on children in the 1930's.
We had a great day on World Book Day and thank you for your continued effort and support with this. We have never seen so many Hetty Feathers!
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.
Love from Mrs Parry & Mrs Melling xx