Welcome back to 5W's blog of the week.
This weeks maths topic has been all about time. We have been looking at both the anologue and digital clock and the different ways we can tell the time. We started the week by refreshing how we read the hour, quarter past, half past and quarter to on an analogue clock. Moving onto looking at 1 minute and 5 minute intervals. We moved onto looking at digital time in the 12 hour and 24 hour clock, converting between the two. The children can now confidently read an analogue clock in 24 hour time. Finally, we started to look at word problems involving time.
We have continued looking at the myth Pandora's Box in English this week. The children have written their own versions of the story, from Pandora's point of view. They began the week by looking at each key event in the story and writing much more detail, so the reader had a clear image of what was happening. We then though about what powerful adjectives, fronted adverbials, parenthesis and punctuation we could include in our own stories. Finally, the children proof read and edited their work, looking for any spelling errors or punctuation errors, or how they could uplevel it and make it even better. The children wrote up their final versions of their stories, which are now proudly up on display in our classroom.
We have continued our work on Ancient Greeks this week. The children have been looking at the two main City states, known as Athens and Sparta. The class studied the two states and found out lost of interesting facts about the two and how they differ from one another. Towards the end of the week the children learnt all about the 'Hoplites', which is an Ancient Greek soldier. We learnt about what they wore and what life would have been like for them.
In science we have introduced our new topic 'Materials and their Properties'. We looked at different types of materials and why materials are made for a purpose. We looked at the different properties that certain materials have and why those properties make it perfect for a particular job. For example, a window is made our of glass (material) and one of it's properties is its transparency-which means you can see through it. The children were given a variety of different objects and materials and they have to sort them into their properties with the best purpose.
Our certificate winner AND ks2 winner this week was Ellie J, for her new found dedication towards smashing personal targets! Keep this up Ellie, Platinum is in sight!
All that is left to say, Is I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I will see you all bright and early on Monday Morning.