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Friday 6th October

Friday 6th October


Welcome to this week’s blog from 5F. It has been another busy week here in Year 5.


This week the children have all completed a task where they had to think what would make them a good school councillor. After that, those children that wanted to put themselves forward for the position stood and spoke to the class about why they should be chosen. Mrs. Baker came in to watch the children ‘sell’ themselves and was very impressed with the standard of speaking out loud. A MASSIVE well done from all the teachers to all the children who campaigned for this prestigious role. The winners were voted for by their class peers and announced today in Whole School Assembly. So without further ado, please meet Year 5F’s Class Councillors…nonono

Maths – This week the children are trialling a new scheme called Questions for Learning. This involves the children answering questions live online using the classroom tablets. They have really enjoyed using the programme and look forward to continuing with it three times a week for the rest of the year. As well as that, the children have been reading temperatures on a scale as well as finding the difference between two temperatures on a thermometer.


Take a look at this online activity to help you practise reading thermometers and finding the difference between temperatures. Just click on either horizontal or vertical to get up some scales…


English – The children have been looking at spellings with the letter y that make a long ‘i’ sound in them. Also, we have finally completed reading our class novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. The children have loved hearing the story, watching extracts form both films and completing work based around the story and characters. This week we have concentrated on writing descriptions of the different children who won a golden ticket. Here are some extracts from their work…


Mike Teavee is an ungrateful, ignorant boy. He cares for nothing but games and TV. He doesn’t even like chocolate so why have a golden ticket? (By James)


Veruca Salt is a pampered, ill-mannered girl who doesn’t realise how lucky she is. She is a spoilt girl : she always demands more! Her indulged personality means that she hates her parents and has no friends. (By Adam)


Violet Beauregarde is a bad-mannered, heartless gum chewer. She is a mean, competitive girl who wants something and gets it! This girl is the worst thing you could ever see : she is repulsive and corrupt. (By Maddison)


Augustus Gloop is a chunky, vile young man : he never stops eating. He is an irritating character who loves eating creamy, delicious chocolate. He falls into the chocolate river because he is so overweight. (By Layton)


Violet Beaueregarde is a very self confident, competitive girl : she has a very bad habit of chewing gum. It is disgusting! She makes her jaws go up and down all day. Also, she is a master of karate. (By Anmol)


Also, take a look at Jack’s fabulous piece of writing and how hard he has tried with joining up his handwriting...

Topic – The children have been looking at some texts about woodlands and wetlands and then answering comprehension questions to show their understanding.


Science – This week the children have been learning about how plants are pollinated. Their flowers have brightly coloured petals with a sweet fragrance to attract insects and small animals. The pollen will then attach itself to the insect or animal’s body and then be carried from one plant to another.


Take a look at this short film clip which explains pollination a little further...

Here is our CERTIFICATE WINNER this week. He won for constantly striving to do his best in each and every lesson. As a result, he is making great progress in Year 5. smileysmileysmiley Well done from all of us in Year 5F.

All that remains is to wish you all a fantastic weekend and we will see you back in school on Monday.
