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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 6th October 2017 quickly these weeks seem to be flying by.  It has been another eventful week here in Year Four.

I English, we've been doing lots and lots of activities related to our class reader `The Legend of Podkin One-Ear'.  We have been really S.A.D. all week, but don't worry.  Our teachers told us that this is a really good way to add variety to our writing.  The `S' stands for `Speech', the `A' is for `Action', and the `D'?  What do you think?  What could it be?  Donuts?  No....`Description' of course.  If you mix up your sentence types so that you include all of these, then your writing is far more interesting.  We've noticed Kieran Larwood does it all the time -and he's great!

Check out some of our work below.

In Maths, we started work on addition and subtraction.  We have been looking at column addition and subtraction.  And, get this -we've been doing really difficult ones in subtraction that involve `decomposition'.  Don't worry this just means breaking them down.  We did do some of this work in Year 3, and lots of us remembered how to do it.  You know, when you've got it, you've got it! 
Say, why not play this really great addition and subtraction game on BBC Bitesize.  You can try out your addition and subtraction skills.  Click here for the link.

We have also started (on Tuesday) our Harvest Assembly.  We've been really busy learning lines, going through our songs.  You are going to love it!  Though that goes without saying.  It is next Wednesday morning at 9.15.  We hope you can make it.

Have a lovely weekend.  Bye for now.
