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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 7th July

Hello and welcome to this week's blog from Year 6W. It has been a busy week as usual, with lots going on.


Maths -  The children have been finding all the possibilities.  Take a look at this problem and see if you can find all the possibilities...


English - This week the children have been learning all about Chichen Itza, which is a famous ancient Mayan city. It is considered to be one of The Seven Wonders of the Modern World and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is the second most popular place to visit in Mexico. The children have drafted, edited and produced their final copy of a leaflet all about Chichen Itza. 

The children had a visitor from the Red Cross come in to Year 6 to teach them some basic first aid techniques for dealing with burns, breaks, bleeding wounds and head bangs. They found it very useful and informative and hopefully will help them to feel more confident if we were to ever face a medical situation. Here are some photographs from the visit...

That's all for this week. We look forward to seeing you again next week in school.
