Welcome back... another busy, busy week here in Y4F.
In English we have been looking at expanded noun phrases. It took a little work, but we got there. Take a look at these two sentences. They are almost identical -but one has an expanded noun phrase -do you know which has the noun phrase? Do you know what they noun phrase is?
The cat sat on the mat.
The fluffy, ginger cat sat on the mat.
Did you identify `fluffy, ginger cat' ? Then you were right -well done! Adding adjectives to our nouns to make noun phrases makes our writing so much more interesting.
In Maths, we started work addition and subtraction. We have focused on column addition. Mr Price showed us a really cool way to help when carrying. We checked each column first with an estimate -would it take us over 10? If it did, we highlighted that column. This really focused us when we came to do our calculations. Almost all of us, got almost all of them correct. Almost...
On Friday, in English, we shared some performance poetry. This was to celebrate National Poetry Day on Thursday. We videoed them for you to enjoy.