Friday 7th September
Welcome to the first blog of the year from Year 5F. The children have settled in well and are an absolute delight to teach.
The children have all worked exceptionally hard this week. They have begun looking at place value in Maths. In English, the children have written about their summer holidays. We have learned all about the fun, exciting places they have visited and the activities they have taken part in. Moving on, the childrne have started to complete work based around our class novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Next week, the children will be bringing home their new reading books. As part of the children’s homework, we would appreciate if you could please find the time to read with your child for 10 minutes every day. In addition, we would also appreciate if you could spend a few minutes every day practising times tables at home, to help your child in their Maths lessons.
P. E. will be every Thursday so please ensure your child has their kit in school.
Here is our certificate winner this week. He won for standing out and doing the right thing in a class full of shining stars. What a start to Year 5!
All that remains to say is have a great weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.