Friday 8th February
Welcome to this week’s blog from Year 5F. We have had another fabulous, fun-filled week.
Maths – This week the children have been investigating the area of shapes, including compound shapes and shapes with missing lengths. Area is the measurement of the surface inside a 2D-shape. We find area by multiplying the length by the width.
This fun game allows you to explore area further...
English – This week the children have been exploring the structure of the story ‘Rags to Riches’ which is based on the Cinderella story. They have ‘boxed off’ the story. This involves breaking up each part of the story and looking at the main events in each paragraph. They have then written their version of the story, following the structure of the ‘Rags to Riches’ story.
Topic – The children have been learning about Neil Armstrong and the other Apollo 11 crew member’s historical landing on the moon. They watched some film clips of the event and read newspaper reports. Following this, some children produced a fact file poster about the moon landing whilst other wrote their own newspaper report detailing the moon landing.
Wednesday saw the Year 5trip to Jodrell Bank. The children had a fantastic time. They had time to explore the centre and engage with the ‘hands on’ displays. Also, they took part in science experiments which allowed them to learn about gravity on different planets within the solar system, how far the sun’s light travels in space, the properties of different rocks including meteorites as well as whether soils from other planets are acidic, alkaline or neutral, so which would be best to grow plants in. They really enjoyed themselves. After that, they were able to go into the inflatable planetarium. As always, this had the WOW factor. Inside, the children were able to learn how the sun appears to move across the sky. They discovered where the Big Dipper is in the night sky, as well as the North Star which helps sailors to navigate. Then they looked at the different constellations as well as zooming in on some of the planets which are visible to the naked eye at night. Finally, they were able to investigate some of the outdoor experimental areas, including the whispering dishes, which allow you to send messages across a considerable distance without the use of a microphone!
Take a look at the photographs from the day…
Science – The children have been thinking about the flat earth theory. They have considered arguments for and against a flat or spherical earth. This led them coming to their own conclusion based on the evidence they had heard.
Here is our certificate winner this week. She won for her fabulous Space Race fact file, which can be viewed in the History Museum on the Upper Phase. Well done!
All that remains to say is have a great weekend and we will see you all again on Monday. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone for next Thursday.