Friday 8th January
Happy New Year! Welcome back to Year 5F’s first blog of 2016.
Maths – This week we have been working on short and long multiplication as well as division using partial tables and the chunking method.
Click on the link below to take a tutorial and then have a go at long multiplication at home.
Click on the link below to take a tutorial and then have a go at long division (using the chunking method) at home.
English – The children have looked at a range of non-fiction texts this week all about space. They have found out that Helen Sharman was the first British astronaut to go into space. Also, you can now go to space as a tourist although it costs millions of pounds! Dennis Tito (from the USA) was the first non-astronaut to go to space and spent eight days on the International Space Station in 2001. What an amazing experience!
Also, we have been learning the difference between fact and opinion. Can you decide whether these statements from the children are fact or opinion?
The Vamps are the best band in the world.
Vegetables are healthier than sweets.
Year 5F is the best class at Westfield.
One Direction has four members in the band.
Sprouts are delicious.
Mrs Dougherty and Mrs Roberts are the best teachers.
Topic – This week the have begun their new topic called Earth and Space. The children have really impressed us all with how much they already know about this fascinating world. They have produced some truly amazing concept maps detailing what they know already. Here are some of them to take a look at…
Science – Our topic in science is also about Earth and Space. The children have been thinking what they know about the sun, the earth and the moon. They have also been learning about the shape of our planet and how the theory has changed over time. Long ago, people believed the earth to be flat but now we know it is roughly spherical.
Our certificate this week was awarded to Joseph for having a universe of knowledge about our Earth and Space topic. He went on to win Pupil of the Week for the Upper Phase. Wow! Well done Joseph, we are all super proud of you.
All that remains to say is to have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday.