Hello and welcome back to 5W blog.
Ordering unit fractions was our starting point of the week. The clue to this was looking at the denominator (bottom number in the fraction); the larger the number the smaller the fraction.
So ¼ is smaller than ½
Following that we used a fraction wall to compare
non-unit fractions. For example 3/4 is the same as 6/8 and 9/12
Fraction Game
At the beginning of the week, we had a reading comprehension lesson, with two different texts. One was all about Saturn and the other a poem about the Sun. We had to read, clarify any unknown words then answer questions using the text to prove our answers. We also did some work on relative, main and subordinate clauses and parenthesis. We then looked at cohesion again; a good device to move our stories on.
We continued our new topic on forces.
A force is an interaction that causes an affected object to be pushed or pulled in a certain direction. Some types of force that we looked at are gravity, friction, water and air resistance.
In topic, we did some research to find out which mountains are in which continents.
Pupil of the week…. Is Maisie C for being an all round ‘good egg’; she reads every night, always does her homework and completes her class work to the best of her ability!
Happy birthday to Ali, who celebrated his birthday this week; hope you enjoyed your special day! A very big thank you for all the cakes and sweets; it was extremely generous of you and your family.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!