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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 8th September 2017

Wow -where did those 6 weeks go?  We're guessing that you must have have loads of fun -as they say `time flies when you're having fun'.  We want to welcome you back and to say we hope you had a lovely summer.

This week we have settled into our new `Year Four Home' really quickly, and have already started to show how grown up we are.  We have begun to rise to the challenges of Year Four.  We have been working really hard on our presentation -we are determined to take pride in our work so that every piece is something that we are proud of.

In English, we have been reading about Egypt -which links to our topic work on Ancient Egypt.  It sounds like an amazing place.  We have learnt so much.  Did you know for example that Egypt is in the north-east of Africa -it has the Red Sea to the east, Libya to the west, Sudan to the south and to the north is the Mediterranean Sea.  It can reach temperatures of 38 degrees -it has two seasons (hot and cool) and its capital city is Cairo.   On Friday, we wrote a postcard home from Egypt (not that we actually went there -our teachers told us that there wasn't a bus that went directly from Wigan to Egypt, otherwise, we could have gone).  It is amazing how many facts you can get about a place in such a short piece of writing.

In Maths we have been looking at Place Value.  Our teachers told us that this is what a digit is `worth' (its value) based on `where' (its place) it is on a Place Value Grid.  We have been identifying to value of digits all the way to tens of thousands.

We'll leave you now, and get back to you next week.  Remember -PE is on a Tuesday.

Bye for now  
