Welcome to Y1F's blog, keep a lookout to keep up to date with what your child has been learning about.
Your child's class teacher this year is Miss Rose. Other grown ups in class are Mrs Duckworth, Mrs Grundy, Miss Bullens and Mrs Parkinson.
We have sent home a reading book, each time your child reads please can you sign the reading record and place it in the green box so that it can be changed. If you have not had a chance to read the book, please place it in the red box. Each time your child reads, they will receive a stamp on their rocket. When they have 10 stamps, they can exchange them for a reading rewards token. That will mean they can choose a prize or a class token (e.g. teacher's desk, cool cap, first dibs, show and tell etc).
Our PE day is Wednesday, please can you ensure that your child's PE kit is in school in the red box in the cloakroom. We will send the PE kits home at the end of each half term to be washed, if you'd like them before please help yourself.
We will send homework out on Friday for the term. Please complete 1 task per week and return it to the green homework box. We will stamp the sheet we have in school for them.
At playtime in the morning your child will be able to buy snack if they want to. Milk is 25p and toast, fruit and juice are 20p each. If they do not have a purse or wallet, please put the money into the tub in the snack box and write their name and the amount on the paper available.
We hope you enjoy year 1, get lots of rest this weekend - you will need it!!
Have a lovely weekend!
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Duckworth and all Y1F staff x x x x x x x