Hello and welcome back to our blog this week!
As usual it’s been a busy old week this week in year 6. Here’s what we’ve been up to…
We have watched a short clip in English called ‘Before Sunrise’, this has been our stimulus for writing this week and will lead to us writing our very own fairy tale next week. Have a look at the link below to watch the clip.
In maths we have been working on algebra and what a fab job your children have done on it!
Continuing with our topic on the Victorians, we have looked at the influential work carried out by Lord Shaftesbury.
We have been looking how to stay safe online this week, we spent a lot of time discussing how your children can stay safe and we created a jigsaw to show the theme which was, Create, Connect and Share Respect: A Better Internet Starts With You.
Have a good weekend. See you on Monday.
Mrs Parry and Mrs Melling xx