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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 9th February

Congratulations to Lewis for receiving the achievment award for being a super tidier. He is always happy to help.



In maths we have been practising using different ways to add. We have used counters, tens frames and number lines to add numbers to 20. After half term we will be moving onto numbers to 50, so please practise recognising these numbers and counting forwards and backwards to 50.



In English we have read the story, 'Oi Frog!'. We loved this story! It rhymed and had lots of animals who were only allowed to sit on certain things. Today we have rewritten the poem and even included some of our own ideas! Have a look at our writing on the WOW wall on Monday.


We have also started practising for our World Book Day assembly, this will be on the 1st March, and a letter will follow shortly confimring the time of the assembly.


Have a lovely weekend, get some rest for our last week of this half term

Lots of Love,

Miss Rose, Mrs Duckworth and Mrs Wright

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