Hello and welcome to the new half term and 5W’s blog.
Maths this week was all about addition and subtraction worded problems. This is where you must read the problem, decide which things are important and work out which calculation you need to do.
Try the interactive addition game.
Following this, we moved onto multiplication.
Looking at the features of diary was how we started our week. Features like; using colloquial language (informal), written in chronological order (time order), including thoughts and feelings, written in the first person and past tense, detailed description and written in a ‘diary style’ (Dear Diary).
We were then given a diary extract and we had to find the features.
We also did some SPAG work on past tense.
After a short assessment on what we had learnt about plants, we moved on to the life cycles of animals; namely a frog.
We began looking at the Vikings this week. While watching various clips, we had a sheet to make notes on: Where they came from? How did they travel? What did they do? When and why did they come to Britain? And where did they land first? We also had a map to label.
Next week is futures week; we had to think about what job we would like in the future. As well as that we had to think what skills and qualifications we would need to do the job.
As it is the 100 years Anniversary of the end of World War 1 this year, we thought and looked at what this meant.
The First World War was one of the deadliest conflicts in the history of the human race in which over 16 million people died. It is estimated that the total number of civilian and military casualties is around 37 million. And that is not all. Over 16 million animals served in the First World War. They were used for transport, communications and companionship. Horses, donkeys, mules and camels carried food, water, ammunition and medical supplies to the men on the front line and approximately 200 000 pigeons carried messages. Dogs also played a role in catching rats in the trenches as well as sniffing out and finding injured soldiers.
Pupil of the week is …… Ali Al Enzi for a continued effort to listen to instructions and for being a great team player during netball.
Happy Birthday to Brandon, who celebrates his birthday on the 11th. We hope you enjoy your day!
We Will Remember
Have a thoughtful, safe weekend. We’ll see you all next week.