Friday 9th October
Welcome to Year 5F’s blog for this week.
This week has been quite an exciting time. On Wednesday, we went to the Middle Phase to take a look at the fabulous, interesting range of books available at the Book Fair. We each chose a book and then shared reading it with the children from Year 1. Here are some pictures from our time together…
Linked to our Book Fair theme of superheroes, there has been a competition in school this week to design a SUPERVILLAIN. The winner form Year 5 was…
…our very own Callum!
Take a look at his winning design..
Maths - This week we have been adding and subtracting using the column method. We have worked with whole numbers, decimal numbers and money!
English - Our class novel is The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton and we have based our work on it this week. We have designed our own magical woodland creature that might live in an enchanted wood. Next week we will be writing about our creatures.
Also, we have been investigating punctuation. We have been looking at sentences and deciding whether they need a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark at the end.
Topic – All the children have been busy baking this week! They went out of class into our newly built kitchen area and made a forest fruits cake. Everybody enjoyed themselves and can’t wait to sample their delicious, fruity creation next week. After that, the children all created their own amazing, magical recipes for a fruit cake. To end the week, we have asked the children to use their imaginations again. This time they have created an outfit with a woodland theme. They look fantastic.
As you can see, the children are getting very excited and are all looking forward to our visit to Martin Mere next Wednesday the14th October! We still have some permission slips still not returned and would appreciate if you could return them as soon as possible into school with your child. Thank you very much.
Science – The children have continued to observe the seeds they planted last week. As well as this, we have been looking at life cycles. The children found out about the life cycle of a dragonfly and wrote about it. Did you know that a dragonfly has four stages to its life? Also, it lives underwater as a nymph for two years before climbing out the pond onto a leaf stem, cracking open its skin and emerging as an adult dragonfly. To finish the week we have looked at the life cycle of a flowering plant.
All that remains to say is have a fantastic weekend and we will see you back in school on Monday.