Well, hello and welcome to Year 4F's Blog page...the place to be!
I'm sure you're wondering how the children have settled into their new class with their new teachers. In one word, brilliantly! They have started their Year 4 journey with enthusiasm, ready to work and with great maturity. All of our children have settled really well. Our Certificate of Achievement this week went to Krystal for a really good start to Year Four, and she is already showing herself to be a Year 4 and Middle Phase Role Model. Well done Krystal -we think you're great!
In English this week, we have begun to look at 'was' and 'were' as part of our SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar). We were looking at how singular and plural nouns affect which we use. Though there are some 'funny' ones...things like sheep (not that sheep are funny...our apologies to any sheep that might be reading our blog). No, the word sheep is both singular and plural, so depending on the context of the sentence, you could use was, or, were.
On Friday in English, we did two 10 Minute Challenges. We look at a random picture (one was a dragon, and one an old man with medals on his chest), we discuss the type of writing and sentence types we might use, then we write the best paragraph we can in 10 minutes. Our teachers thought some of our sentences were great!
In Maths, we have been looking at Place Value. We now know that this means what a digit is `worth' (its value) depending on where it is placed. So, in the picture below...
The 3 in the Ten Thousands is `worth' 30,000. That's its value. The 7 in the Thousands is `worth' 7,000. The 4 in the Hundreds is `worth' 400, the 5 in the Tens are `worth' 50, and the 6 in the Ones is `worth' 6. So our number is 37, 456. Good eh?
We have started both our Topic work -Tomb Raider, and our Science -States of Matter. We now know `Where in the world is Egypt?'. It's in the continent of Africa...North Africa to be more precise. We know that the capital of Egypt is Cairo, you would find the pyramids in Giza, and a major port in Egypt is Alexandria. In Science, we know that things can exist in 3 states, either a Solid, a Liquid or a Gas.
On Thursday, we were given our new reading books from the new reading scheme in school. Wow! How excited were we when we saw them? They're great! We need to try and read every single day. Please write in our planner to say that you have listened to us. Next week, we will visit the school library to choose a book that we'd like to borrow. We are having a real push on reading in Year 4 this year, so please encourage us as much as possible.
Our PE day is on Wednesday afternoon, and we will be starting with ball games. Hopefully the weather will stay nice enough to do our PE outside for a few weeks, but if not, we do have the hall to exercise in.
Finally, if you haven't yet met our teachers in Y4F, we have Mr Price, Mrs Wilcox, Miss Haslam. On Wednesday's we have Mrs Carlson, and sometimes we have the elusive Mrs Pickavance.
Please pop in next week to see how we have been getting along.