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Friday 9th September

Friday 9th September


Welcome to Year 5F’s very first blog of the year.


Maths – This week the children have been looking at place value. They have been thinking about the value of each digit in a number. For example, what is the 9 worth in 3,698? Of course it is 90! Amazingly, some of the children have been looking at numbers as big as a million! How clever is that?


Take a look at this website to have a go at place value with your child at home…

English – The children have been writing recounts of their summer holidays. We have been amazed by the variety of activities and holidays the children have enjoyed. They have edited their work, looking for any spelling mistakes, missing punctuation or grammatical errors. Finally, they have written up a final draft and these are going to be made into a class book.  We can then all enjoy reading about our different summer holidays.


Topic – The children have been introduced to our new topic called WOODLANDS AND WETLANDS. They have completed a mind-map to show what they think they might already know about these two very different habitats.


Science – In Science, we will be investigating living things and their habitats. The children have discussed what they know already and shared their ideas with each other. They have then recorded this in their books, using both words and pictures.


We would just like to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone for the fantastic effort the children have made this week in reading at home. We have been overwhelmed and delighted by the response. As a result, the children have been absolutely showered in stickers, praise and well done tokens! Again, many, many thanks. nonono


Our CERTIFICATE WINNER this week was all of Year 5F for a fantastic start to the new school year! They have all shown a mature attitude to learning – making them the perfect Upper Phase pupils! indecisionindecisionindecision

As you can see, it has been a jam-packed first week here in Year 5. All that remains to say is to have a fantastic weekend and we will see you back in school on Monday.
