Welcome back, we have come to the end of our final full week of Summer 1.
This weeks star pupil was Teigan for always giving it her all with a smile on her face. Teigan is a pleasure to have in class.
We have been learning how to compare measurements, we then measured length, weight and capacity of different objects. It was lots of fun!
This week we have been looking at playscripts. We started by reading the playscripts and acting them out. We then answered questions about them and continued writing our own playscript.
In science we have been looking at the water transportation process in plants. We have set up an investigation to look at the process in celery. We will look at the results next week.
Haigh Hall! We have been looking at the history of the hall and who owned the hall at different stages through history!
On Monday we looked at pictures of Haigh Hall and looked at the Hall across the fields. From this we sketched the Hall in our Art books.
Next week is a very busy week for such a short week!
On Wednesday we will be taking part in a Race for Life, we are asking for a £1 entry fee and all money raised will go towards Cancer Research.
On Thursday we will be on our school trip to Haigh Hall. Please ensure your child has suncream and you may wish to give them an extra drink if the weather is kind to us!
Thursday is our last day of this half term, there will be no school on Friday 27th May as it is the teachers INSET day!
Have a fab weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
Best Wishes
The Year 3F team