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Reg 2

Books for Breakfast
20th-24th June 2016

Welcome back to our blog, can we just start by saying a great big THANK YOU to all of our parents and guardians that attended our 'Books for Breakfast' session. We really enjoyed showing you what we get up to in Pre-School and reading the story books in all of our areas...
We are still learning about the excitement of the Olympics as we have our own to prepare for very soon. In preparation for the Olympics, we have been designing and creating our own masks and headdresses for the opening ceremony, have a look at our fantastic creations... They're out of this world!

Our SUPERstar of the week was Sofia. Sofia is a lovely friend and is always trying her very best in all of her activities. Well done, Sofia!


Fred has chosen Ellie's house to go to this weekend! Ellie has shown the grown-ups her super sensible behaviour this week, especially in Read, Write Inc. As always Fred is looking for good friends to adults as well as peers, so he is very happy in his choice of Ellie. Have a lovely weekend you two, we cannot wait to hear all about your adventures on Monday!

Have a lovely weekend and see you next week!
Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

Outstanding Olympic Fun!
13th-17th June 2016

This week we have been learning about the Olympics! The children have been exploring the Olympic events by creating salt dough gold, silver and bronze medals and making Olympic Flags using printing materials to create the interlocking Olympic rings. We have also been watching some of the past Olympic events online - gymnastics was our favourite!

Our little Athletes practising for the Olympics!

Olympic Flags

Salt Dough Olympic Medals

We would like to wish a BIG Happy 4th Birthday to Yasmin this week! We hope you had a lovely day and thank you so much for your yummy birthday treats!

Our SUPERstar this week was Aston, Aston has really been trying his very best in all of our activities! He has shown super listening skills when on the carpet and has been putting his hand up lots to answer questions - fantastic, we are so proud of you, Aston!


Fred the Ted has chosen Keeva to go home with this weekend. Keeva is always a good friend, she shows kindness towards all of her peers and is always enthusiastic about all that she does! Have a fantastic weekend, Fred and Keeva. We cannot wait to hear all about your adventures on Monday!

Have a lovely weekend and as always, thank you for reading!

Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

Take a peek at our week...

6th July-10th July 2016

Welcome back to our class blog, we hope you have had a lovely half term break! We have been very busy this week...

Wow's School Art Exhibition
'Creativity in Bloom!'

Robin Park Sports and Tennis Centre
14th June-3rd July 2016

We have finally finished our contributions this week for 'Creativity in Bloom' have a look at the pictures below, can you guess what we have been making out of clay? To see them up close, why not join us at the gallery, for more information see the poster in Pre-School.

Year One had some very important visitors on Friday, we were very lucky to spot them during our outdoor play...

This week's star of the week is Alex, Alex ALWAYS tries his very best in all of his activities, he made sure all of his friends had their sun cream on this very sunny week and he is really trying his best in Letters and Sounds... WOW, well done Alex, you SUPERstar!


Fred is a VERY lucky Ted this week as he has chosen to go home with Gracie-Mai for the weekend. Gracie is a fantastic friend, she is always lending a helping hand and making sure her friends are happy! Have a lovely weekend you two, we cannot wait to hear all about your adventures on Monday! 

Thank you as always for reading, have a lovely weekend!

Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

“Oh my Grandma, what big eyes you have…”

9th May-13th May 2016


Welcome back to our class blog! Can you guess what Traditional Tale we have been reading this week… Little Red Riding Hood!


We have really focused on our Literacy – reading this week, listening to and re-telling the story, we have used technology to do so! Using the bee-bot the children had to firstly think about Little Red Riding Hood’s route to Grandma’s house, they then had to programme the bee-bot to move around the mat – we programmed it to go to the shop to buy ingredients for grandma’s cakes, to the post office to buy a stamp for grandma’s letter and the police station to tell the police all about the Big Bad Wolf!

Also, we have been baking cakes this week as in the story of Little Red Riding Hood, Red Riding Hood takes cakes to Grandma’s house. The children decided it might be nice to take the cakes to the residents at the Care Home and read the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ too!

Next week we will be going to the ALPs to find the missing Big Bad Wolf and to re-tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood in the woods, we might even take a picnic to enjoy!


Have a lovely weekend, thank you for reading!

Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

But it was just right...

3rd May-6th May 2016


Wow! What a busy week we have had in Reg 2 this week! We had an intruder… This intruder made a very big mess… They decided our room was TOO quiet and left their mark with a golden blonde curl. Can you guess who it was? It was Goldilocks!

This week we have been reading ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ we re-told the story by creating a story map, drawing key events and settings throughout!


We also had a go at measuring capacity using porridge, we had to use our mathematical magician brains to think about which bowl and spoon belonged to which bear and how much porridge which bear should get. It was very tricky but we loved exploring and problem solving!

Finally, the weather is getting warmer and our Westfield Garden Centre is up and coming! The children have spent lots of their afternoon creating objects and planting seeds, soon it will be time to use our role playing skills to buy and sell the plants and objects!

Our SUPERstar this week goes to Millie, she always tries her best in all of her activities. Millie is showing a fantastic understanding in Read, Write, Inc. She is beginning to independently blend and segment words – well done, clever clogs!


Fred the Ted has chosen a fantastic friend to go home with this weekend, he has chosen Harvey-Joe! Harvey-Joe is definitely ready for big school, he shares and initiates play with ALL of the members of Pre-School – how lovely! Have a fantastic weekend boys, we cannot wait to hear all about your adventures!

Thank you for reading and we hope you have a great weekend,


Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

“I’ll huff and I’ll puff…”
25th-29th April 2016

Welcome back! Luckily, at the beginning of the week, when the weather was a bit nicer, some of us went to the ALPs to take part in a Scavenger Hunt and to water our potatoes and plants we planted last week! Have a look at the pictures below, we really enjoyed ourselves, we even spotted some wildlife!

Can you guess what our new topic is… Traditional Tales! You guessed it, our focus story this week is ‘The Three Little Pigs.’


We have enjoyed listening to the story, repeating familiar phrases and acting out the story using our puppets to help us. But, wait… One puppet has escaped… the BIG BAD WOLF! Our job in Pre-School this week has been to create WANTED posters to help us to find the Wolf, we even had a go at labelling our Big Bad Wolf drawings by hearing and saying the initial sounds in words and writing them down! Here are some of the things that we wrote:

‘fri’ furry- Millie

‘gra’ grey- Keeva

‘big clos’ – Maisie



We then stuck up our posters all around big school and told everybody to keep their eyes peeled.

On Thursday, we had a sighting of the Wolf, John and Tony the caretakers had seen him at the ALPs! Unfortunately, due to the bad weather we could not go and find him… So hopefully next week we can go and have a look!

Our Star of the Week this week was Nathan! Nathan has tried his best in all activities this week and has really blown Mrs Littler’s socks off at carpet time – well done Nathan!


Fred is a very lucky Ted this weekend, he chose Kian to go home with. Kian is ALWAYS a good friend, we hope Fred and Kian have a fantastic bank holiday weekend together and we cannot wait to hear all about your adventures!

To finish, have a lovely bank holiday weekend and as always, thank you for reading. See you on Tuesday!


Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

“The Very Hungry Caterpillar”
11th April-15th April 2016


Welcome back to our blog, we hope you have had a lovely Easter! Now back to lots of learning, playing and exploring in Pre-School…

This week we started our topic of Spring and New Life. As you know our five caterpillars have been keeping an eye on Reg 2 the past few weeks and it was their turn to decide what we would like to learn about so our story focus is ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar.’


What better way to get us ready to watch our caterpillars cocoon and turn into butterflies, we have kept a close watch on them this week and by Thursday ALL caterpillars had become butterflies!


We feel so lucky to have had the experience to nurture, care for and watch our caterpillars grow and turn into beautiful butterflies… We set them free in the ALPs and made sure to visit them again on Friday to see how well they had settled into their new home!

We have also been talking about plants in our Spring and New Life topic, we have been exploring the different things plants need to grow… Soil, sun, water and care!


We have planted some in our Reg 2 planter in the ALPs and will be planting many more in our very own Mud Kitchen ‘Westfield Garden Centre’ We have talked about all of the things we would like to plant and grow including strawberries and tomatoes! Watch this space…

After 2 weeks off eating lots of Easter eggs and taking long bubble baths, Fred has chosen Millie as his friend to go home with this week! Millie has enjoyed telling the rest of the class about her Easter trip to Australia, she pointed it out on the map and told us she stayed at a farm during her holiday! We loved hearing about Millie’s adventures and we thought she was a superstar in sharing them with us!


Our SUPERstar this week is AMY! Amy is doing so well in her Read, Write, Inc that she has blown Miss Brown’s socks off! She can now recognise and hear her sounds and is beginning to use them in her writing. Well done, clever girl!

A big Happy 4th Birthday to Alex this week! We hope you have had a fantastic birthday and thank you for your yummy cake!!

Thank you for reading, see you next week!

Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

Our trip to Old Holly Farm!

21st-23rd March 2016



Have a look at our exciting day out at Old Holly Farm! We saw lambs, chicks, donkeys, pigs and many more! We got to feed the sleepy baby calves and hold the chicks... We hope you enjoy our pictures as much as we enjoyed our day!


Caterpillars, daffodils, Planting... It must be nearly Spring!
14th-16th March 2016

Hello and welcome back to our blog!

Have a lovely Easter!

See you on 11th April...

Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

Keep reading to see what we were so interested in…

Wow, can you believe it is the last week of term next week? We can’t… But we cannot wait for our trip to Old Holly Farm!


This week we have been learning about new life… That means we have been doing LOTS of planting! We have really been exploring the different seeds, sorting them, planting them and watching the growing process!


We have explored the season Spring as we know it is on the way! We have discussed all of the new life we might see in Spring and we decided to take a local walk to see if we could spot any of it! We used our own digital cameras to take pictures all by ourselves! On Wednesday, we went to Marsh Green Library and chose some books that we thought represented Spring and new life, we now have them in our reading area to look at!

We have been making salt dough Easter ornaments, we have been really using our mathematical skills when doing so! We have been measuring out the ingredients, counting our rolls of the mixture and making sure we have enough ingredients to make the right amount of eggs!

We have also been using our mathematical knowledge when sorting our seeds into the right plant pots, we have matching the right quantity of seeds to their number pot and making sure to count all of the seeds very carefully to make sure they are in the right pot!

This week, 5 new members of Reg 2 came to join us... According to the boys and girls, they are furry, prickly, long, friendly and their names are Jessy, Elsa, Tank, James and Dougal! Can you guess what they are yet? ... Caterpillars!


The caterpillars will be staying with us until they cocoon and turn into butterflies, then we will set them free onto our ALPs! We will blog their progress each week, so keep your eyes peeled. Our caterpillar monitors are doing a fantastic job of looking after them, we know we must stay quiet in class to ensure they don't get scared! At the moment, we have to use magnifying glasses to look at them as they are so small!

Our Star of the Week this week was Molly! Molly is ALWAYS a superstar, she tries her best in all of her activities and is a lovely friend to the children and grown-ups. Well done Molly!


On Friday, Fred chose Riley M to go home with for the weekend. Riley showed the grown-ups his superstar grown-up behaviour this week and has blown Mrs Littler’s socks off in all of his maths activities! ALSO, he has been an excellent friend to everybody. Keep it up, Riley!

We just want to add... Thank you to all our parents and guardians for coming to Parent/Guardian Evening! I'm sure you will agree the children have made outstanding progress this term. We are so proud of the children, they really are fantastic!

Thank you for reading and enjoy your weekend!


Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

Physical Fortnight!
29th- 4th March 2016

Wow! We have been so busy in Pre-School!


Over the last two weeks we have been taking part in ‘Physical Fortnight!’ To begin with we explored the meaning of how to stay healthy. To stay healthy we now know it is really important to eat different fruits and vegetables. Firstly, we got to try some new and exciting fruits and vegetables such as, blueberries, mango, lime, kiwi, sugar snap peas, celery and much more!



We then made our own shopping lists ready to take with us to the local fruit and vegetable shop. We bought 2 carrots, 1 swede, 4 potatoes, 1 leek and celery and with our ingredients we made a scrumptious soup! Have a look below at our chopping and peeling skills, we used our knives very carefully with excellent control!
We talked about the importance of variety in our diets, we made our own healthy lunchboxes, we even added one treat in our lunchboxes as we know one treat every now and again is good for us!

During the second week of Physical Fortnight we explored how we can stay active and why it is so important! We had a walk to the local park to explore the surroundings, we took a trip to Wacky Warehouse and we had a fantastic time in P.E!


We explored different ways of moving: we balanced, swung, negotiated spaces, climbed, jumped, stretched, slid and many more! We had so much fun and you can see that in the pictures below!

Finally to end our week we celebrated World Book Day! We all dressed as a story book character and brought our favourite books to look at independently, with friends and with a grown-up. It was lovely to see everybody taking part!

Our Star of the Week this week was Maisie! Maisie has blown Miss Brown’s socks off in Read, Write, Inc! She is showing a fantastic knowledge and understanding of her initial sounds and is beginning to write them too – well done, clever girl!


Fred the Ted has chosen Oliver to go home with this weekend! Oliver, who is always a super friend, was sooo excited to be taking home Fred this weekend, we know Fred is going to have a fantastic weekend with Oliver and his family. Have fun boys, we cannot wait to hear all about your adventures next week!

Parent’s Evening
Monday 14th-Tuesday 15th March
We would like to invite you for a brief chat with Miss Brown and your child’s key worker. Here, we will discuss your child’s progress in Pre-School, any information you may need and what to expect in the upcoming months. Also, it will be an opportunity for you to chat about what fantastic things you could be doing at home to help your children further!
To make an appointment please sign and return slip with preferred time.


Old Holly Farm:
We have organised a day out to Old Holly Farm on Wednesday 23rd March. If your child attends a Wednesday session and you wish for them to attend, please pay £11 by Wednesday 16th March. Please see a REG 2 member of staff for more information.


Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely weekend!

Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

Busy, busy, busy...
Chinese New Year, Chatterbox Challenge AND our Fire Station visit!

8th-12th February 2016

This week in Reg 2, the children have been celebrating Chinese New Year or ‘Kung Hei Fat Choy’ the children have been saying! I wonder if the children could tell you what animal we are celebrating this year… It is the year of the Monkey!


To celebrate we have joined in with lots of activities, we took part in Chinese inspired traditional dance in our Squiggle Wiggle sessions, beginning to imitate movement in response to music, using not only our bodies but our minds as well… listening to the music allowing it to flow all the way from our ears into our wrists and fingers and expressing our feelings using the crayons onto the paper!


The children helped the grown-ups to set up our own Chinese restaurant in our classroom and mud kitchen area too! We used both areas to really get into character, using chopsticks, real Chinese Restaurant menus, fortune cookies and Chinese crockery and cutlery… This was a new and exciting experience for all of us!

We also encouraged our independence this week, having a go at copying some Chinese lettering and creating our very own Chinese Dragon, have a look at the pictures below to find out more…


Finally, on Wednesday we enjoyed a Chinese Banquet of different types of noodles, rice, prawn crackers, spring rolls, chicken dishes and lots of different sauces!

Kung Hei Fat Choy!

Our Chinese inspired Squiggle Wiggle!

Our Chinese Banquet!

That isn't all, the fun just didn't stop there in Pre-School... On Thursday afternoon we took part in this year's charity organised Chatterbox Challenge, to raise money and awareness we walked to Robin Park with our Reg 2 grown-ups, parents and guardians. We chatted all the way there and once at Robin Park we took part in lots of rhymes, songs and dances. It was lovely to see so many of you, a special thank you to all the parents and guardians who took the time to walk with us and join in with our favourite rhymes and songs. Also, a big thank you to all for your generous donations!



Finally, to round off a VERY busy week, we visited Wigan Fire Station! Here, we met two Fire Fighters Andy and Jonny… On our journey to the Fire Station the boys and girls were telling the grown-ups all of the exciting questions they wanted to ask the Fire Fighters, the most important one being “can we have a go in the Fire Engine?”


Andy and Jonny answered all of our questions and more, we had a go of the water hose, sat in the Fire Engine, listened to its VERY LOUD sirens, watched the Fire Fighters go down the infamous Fireman’s Pole and we also got to try on the Fire Fighter uniform! Most importantly, the children were taught some very important fire safety rules, it would be fantastic to hear if any of the childen have shared them with you! We had the best time, take a look at the pictures below...

This week’s Star of the Week was Bayley. Even though Bayley was poorly at the beginning of the week, he came back to school raring to go! He showed fantastic grown-up behaviour at the Fire Station when asking questions and trying on the Firefighter’s uniform. Well done Bayley, we are so proud of you!


Fred the Ted has chosen to spend not only the weekend, but the WHOLE week this week with Riley J! Riley has shown superstar behaviour all week, he has used his big boy voice when taking part in activities, he has shown patience when waiting for his turn AND he was a fantastic partner to Miss Brown at the Fire Station visit… (even telling her to use her ‘fast feet’ towards the end of our long journey home!) Fred really has chosen a good friend to spend his half term with! Enjoy your time off boys, we will see you in a week!

Finally, we hope that you have a lovely half-term and stay safe!


We will see you back, the week beginning Monday 22nd February 2016...

Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

Learning outside the classroom is lots of fun!
1st-5th of February

In Reg 2 this week we have had a very exciting week, to start we have really been enjoying the outdoors!

At Westfield Pre-School we feel that learning outside of the classroom is VERY important, it supports our problem-solving skills, it nurtures our creativity, it provides us lots of opportunities to develop on our imaginations, it allows us to explore, experiment and discover our outdoor surroundings and more importantly it is lots of FUN! Especially for our active learners…


Take a look at this week’s ALPs adventures with the Haigh Hall team and our fantastic den making (we transported ourselves to Adventure Bay on Tuesday) on the playground!

Towards the end of the week, we explored the festival of Chinese New Year! Before starting our new topic, we thought all about the words ‘China’ and ‘Chinese’ and what they mean to us… To our surprise the boys and girls said FOOD! So as a class we decided to create our own Chinese Restaurant.

First, it was our responsibility to decide what would be on the menu. We made our own specialities using the paint and paper plates. Here are some of our ideas…

“Noodles and peas!” – Riley M

“Chicken in orange spicy sauce.” – Amy

“Rice, chips and gravy.” – Harvey-Joe

“Prawn crackers.” – Paige

We cannot wait for the grand opening of the restaurant on Monday to try all the yummy ideas!

Next, we had to think of how we were going to decorate our restaurant, we made paperchains with Mrs Fields and began to make Chinese lanterns with Miss Lisa.

Next week, we will continue to decorate our restaurant with Chinese letters and numbers, lanterns and much more, watch this space… We cannot wait for our Chinese Banquet on Wednesday which will take place in our new Chinese Restaurant!

Finally, our Star of the Week this week is Keeva! Keeva has been a superstar in Letters and Sounds, she has shown a fantastic understanding of her initial sounds and alliteration! Well done, Keeva!

Fred the Ted chose a very excited Mason to go home with this weekend! Mason has really shown his brave side this week by coming into school with no tears… He is always a good friend to all of his friends and grown-ups and always tries his very best! Fred has definitely chosen a superstar to share his adventures with… See you next week boys, we cannot wait to hear all about your adventures!


That’s all from us this week, enjoy your weekend and thank you for reading!

Miss Brown, Mrs Littler, Mrs Grundy and Miss Lisa x

A good friend is...
25th-29th January

Wow! What a friendly and helpful week we have had in Reg 2 this week!

Firstly, to finish off our topic of ‘People Who Help Us’, we had a lovely visit from Arthur’s mummy and baby Theo! At first, the boys and girls were rather confused as to why Arthur’s mummy was at school… they soon realised that one of the most important people that help us is our mummy, daddy or guardians!

Arthur’s mummy brought a very well behaved Theo to come and meet the boys and girls. Whilst at Pre-School Theo had a bath, was dressed and had a cuddle with all the boys and girls, including the grown-ups too! Theo thought Miss Brown was funny, see the pictures below of Theo having a little chuckle! Theo’s mum spoke to us all and answered all of our questions too! A great big thank you to both Theo and mummy, we cannot wait to see you in a few months time to see how much baby Theo has grown!