Hi everyone,
We have been really busy once again this week.
In English we have been working on our own version of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We made our own character, setting, way of getting to the top and how we got back home. Someone had decided their character was going to find a box with a jet pack in! Another idea was to run along a rainbow! Luckily everyone's characters made it home safely at the end of the story.
In maths we have been continuing with place value, we have been learning about the value of numbers using base ten. Today and yesterday we have been finding one more and one less, which is also the focus of our homework this week.
In science we have continued to learn about garden and wild plants. We went on a walk around our school and found bluebells, daisys, daffodils and dandelions. Mr Sherriff saw us on our walk and complimented our good manners and sensible behaviour as we moved around our school, he was very impressed!
In topic we have planned our sandwiches for our picnic. We have got our fingers crossed for nice weather on Thursday so we can go outside to enjoy it.
Our trip to Smithill's Farm is coming up next week, so please make sure you have returned your permission slip and payment to us ASAP.
We're looking forward to seeing you at Parents' Evening over the next two weeks. You should have received your letter confirming your time today. If the time is not convenient, please let me know then we can rearrange, where possible.
Have a lovely weekend.
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Grimes and Mrs Folksman
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We have been so busy this term!
In science we have been learning about different materials and their properties to figure out what materials we would need to make a space suit.
In topic we have been learning all about space travel including researching some significant people such as Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake.
We have been working on our cursive handwriting and it's getting much better! Please come into class and see our new 'WOW Wall'. Each time we do some writing that is better than the piece that is up on the WOW Wall, we can change it! And you can see how we are doing too.
Enjoy the weekend
Lots of Love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Grimes and Mrs Folksman xxx
Welcome back, and Happy New Year!
We have lots to get through over the next few months in year 1, including our special assembly and getting ready for year 2!
Over the next few weeks we will be practicing lots of counting up to 50 (ready for moving up to 100 before the end of the year). We need to be able to count forwards or backwards starting from any number! It's a lot trickier than we thought, especially crossing the tens boundaries.
In English, we are working on 2a sentences which is a sentence which has 2 adjectives, separated by a comma, with a noun after it. For example, He has a long, green nose. The Martian had a brown, stripy jumper.
It's very tricky to think of 2 adjectives and get our words in the right order!
This week we will send home our targets for the next term along with some resources to help us to work on these at home. Please ask us if you are unsure about this, or if you want to update us with your child's progress.
We will also be introducing a new reading reward scheme next week We expect the children to be reading at home aloud to an adult every night. We will get a gold card for every ten times we read our books at home. When they have read 50 times they become a bronze reader! This means they will receive a bronze medal and a bookmark. 100 books is a silver reader, which means they will receive a silver medal and a pencil. Finally for reading 150 books, they will receive a gold medal and a reading book of their choice! Very exciting.
See you soon!
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Grimes and Mrs Folksman
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