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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Sunshine Room

Well as another school year comes to an end we think back on all the memories we have made together. As you can see from our whole blog we have all had some fantastic times together, made some great friendships and achieved some wonderful milestones. smiley

All the staff in the Sunshine room are extra proud of all our key children and wish all the children leaving us to move in to toddlers a very special next chapter in their learning journey. And to all the children coming back after the summer we look forward to making more memories with you.

Have a wonderful summer


Jac, Traci, Lauren, Laura and Jayne 

We celebrated Chloe's, Lily's and Maddison's first birthdays by singing with our friends and eating lots od yummy cake. Happy 1st Birthday girls!!

Music and movement with the pom poms.

Developing our big physical skills when climbing up the stairs and coming back down.

Focused Activity

Sticky Mural

This week we created a focused activity for the children which will help to develop their fine manipulative skills and encourage them to begin to use their thumb and fingers to pick up small objects.

We have been enjoying trying some new tastes and textures by tasting various new fruits. We have tried Lemon, Limes, Kiwi, Passionfruit and many others. As you can see from some of the pictures, the children liked some of the fruits and some really didn't like the tangy new tastes!! surprise

We wished Noah a very happy 1st birthday by singing to him and sharing his yummy birthday cake!!

Fun times at nursery

Soccer Dome fun!!

Trip out to Wigan park in the school holidays.

Happy Easter everyone!!

We celebrated red nose day by wearing something red to nursery and all donated a £1 to the charity.

Many thanks to all who donated.

Oliver has found his feet, look at him go!!

Well done Oliver this is a fantastic achievement!! no

Happy 1st Birthday to Jacob. Jacob brought a yummy caterpillar cake in for us all to share and we enjoyed singing happy birthday to him!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to April. We had a lovely time singing happy birthday and eating her delicious gingerbread man chocolate cake!!

Look at Cole go!! He is on the move and showing us all his wonderful walking skills, Well done Cole!! smiley

Well done to Tilly and Harry for mastering how to drink from their cups with out a lid. That's fantastic well done!!no

Well done to Jacob who has now started to pull himself up into a standing position. Amazing work Jacob well done!! smiley

Over the past few weeks we have been developing many skills in the sunshine room. We have been developing our fine motor skills by using our thumbs and fingers to pick up small objects and we have been beginning to show and understanding of puzzles pieces and how they fit in to spaces, this also helped us to begin to recognise matching pictures to enable us to put them in the correct place. We have also had lots of fun in the continuous provision as you can see from all our photographs. we hope you enjoy having a look!!

Week beginning 27.2.17

This week our focus was to begin to access the new out door water play resources. We encouraged the children to begin to explore the new resources and understand objects and their many different movements. We also began to fill and pour using different jugs and containers. As you can see the children had great fun doing this. April and Tilly found a big puddle outside and enjoyed splashing in it with their wets suits on and wellies, April said " Jac, no ducks" as she splashed. 

World Book Day 2017!!

Look how clever Maddison is. She is now pulling herself up into a standing position. Well Done Maddison fantastic work!! smiley

Week beginning 13/2/17

This week we have been using our whole bodies to make marks in paint. The children all had great fun taking part in body painting and enjoyed getting very messy!!