Thursday 19th December 2019
Welcome to our final blog of 2019! It has, as always, been a busy week here in Year 5F.
Maths – This week the children have sat their end of term assessment tests. They have all worked extremely hard and made pleasing progress.
English – This week the children have written a newspaper report based on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They have included an opening paragraph containing the five Ws (who, when, where, why and what happened) as well as both direct and indirect speech.
Topic – The children have made a poster showing the chronological (time) order of King Alfred and his battles with the Vikings, how he paid them danegeld and how the Vikings claimed land of their own and called it Danelaw.
Here is our certificate winner for the week. He won for having the most perfect manners in school! He never fails to say please or thank you in any situation, even when the teachers aren’t around to see it. Congratulations from everyone in Year 5.
A big WELL DONE to our GOLD WRISTBAND winners this week, Alfie, Nicolas and Samuel.
All that remains to say is to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. The Christmas Countdown now stands at 6 days, and counting, till Father Christmas delivers his presents around the world!