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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Thursday 25th May 2018

Well done to Ellie-Mae for being positively perfect this week.  You have won our achievement award.


English & Maths

As in all other classes, this week has been assessment week.  The boys and girls worked hard to show what they knew. 


Sports Day

We had a lovely day for sports day.  The children behaved beautifully and in a very sportsmanly way.  I was proud of all of their efforts and how they cheered one another on.  The blue team won overall for the whole school.


Have a lovely half term holiday.  Phonics packs have been sent home.  Please spend 5 minutes everyday practising as it will be our Phonics Screening check the second week back.


Miss Lodge, Mrs Connah and Miss Seddon xx
