Hello and welcome back to 5W’s blog of the week.
In maths this week the children have been learning all about numbers, both positive and negative. The children used number lines to calculate the difference between positive and negative numbers. They used this knowledge to then add and subtract positive numbers from negative numbers and vice versa. Towards the end of the week the children have looked at the ‘Power of ten’. They have been able to count on from any given number in 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and even 100,000!
This week in English has been all about non-chronological reports. We looked at the different features and structure of non-chronological reports in order to plan and write our own. The child researched Greek Pots as this is what their report would be all about. They used their notes to plan and then write a report all about this topic.
As part of our topic subject for this half term, the children had the opportunity to visit the city of Liverpool. We started our day at the World Museum, exploring each floor, which ranged from an aquarium to a bug house! After this we went to the Walker Art Gallery for an Ancient Greek Tales told through an art session. The class were shown a beautiful painting from 1658 by Charles Le Brun, called Atlanta and Meleager. The painting told the myth about a woman called Atlanta and how she slayed the creature with the help of Meleager. The children absolutely loved the trip and they were a credit to 5W and made their teachers proud. Well done!
This week in French the children had the opportunity to try some of the foods that they have been learning about this half term in French. They really enjoyed trying foods that they had never tasted before, some were liked…others not so much. Have a look at the photos of the children trying the different vegetables.
On Thursday afternoon, it was our turn to complete Westfield’s Race For Life. All the children were amazing and either ran, walked, skipped, or hopped four laps of the school field! As always, we were immensely proud of each and every one of them. Thank you as well for all your kind donations which will be passed on to Race For Life. A letter will be sent out after the half term holiday by Mrs Pennington to update you on how much the school donated in total.
All that is left to say is we hope you have a great half term break and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday 6th June.