Welcome back to our class blog.
In Maths this week we have continued to learn about position and direction. We have been practising turning clockwise and anti-clockwise as well as using the directions from last week. Then, we moved on to learning about repeating patterns. We have been completing some ‘prove it’ tasks to show everyone what we know.
This week in English we have been writing Kenning poems. We wrote the poems about ourselves. We came up with lots of ideas like 'TV - watcher' and 'Chocolate - lovers'.
In Topic this week we have started to learn about ‘Great Explorers’. We began the topic by learning about significant people. Some examples are: Florence Nightingale, Ussain Bolt and Neil Armstrong.
On Friday, we had an exciting visitor in school. Craig McCann is an athlete who is part of Team GB's Paralympic team. We took part in a question and answer assembly with him, as well as a fitness circuit.
• Sports Day is on Wednesday 19th June, 9am - 10:30am.
• Y2 Trip to World Museum in Liverpool on Monday 24th June. Please return money and slips as soon as possible. Children will need to wear their school uniforms.
Another busy week in Year 2! We hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
Love from,
Miss Rose, Mrs Haselden and all of 2W
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