Welcome back to our class blog.
This week in Maths we have been learning about time. We have looked at o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past and are becoming much more confident telling the time on the clock in class!
In English, as part of our Talk for Writing we have started to look at a new story called ‘Kassim and the Greedy Dragon’. We started off by learning to retell the story with actions. Throughout the week we have been completing some short burst writing activities. These have included writing a description of a dragon, an adjective based writing task about a forest and finally thinking of different similes.
On Wednesday morning we had our Sports Day. We took part in jumping races, hurdles, throwing bean bags and javelins, sack race and an egg and spoon race. The weather was very kind to us and we had lots of fun!
A quick reminder that Year 2 are going on the school trip to the World Museum in Liverpool on Monday. Children will need to wear their school uniform. The coach leaves school at 9am so please be prompt in the morning.
We hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
Love from,
Mrs Hannon, Mrs Turton, Miss Grimshaw and all of 2F
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