Welcome back to our class blog. What a busy week we have had!
In Maths we have completed our work on fractions. We have worked very hard solving lots of different problems using fractions. We have also been spending time recapping some of the addition and subtraction skills we have learnt so far in year 2.
This week in English we completed our work based on ‘The Twits’ by independently writing a description of Mr Twit. The children produced some fantastic pieces of work. Well done! We have spent the rest of the week doing lots of work on spelling, punctuation and grammar.
In Science we concluded our plant investigation. Plant 1 (no water and no light) did not grow. Plant 2 (no light and watered) started to grow and it had a long, bent, yellow stem! This plant started to bend because it was searching for the light. Plant 3 (light and no water) grew a very small shoot. Plant 4 (light and watered) grew very well. It had a tall, green stem. From our investigation, we have learnt that plants need water, light and air to grow.
In Topic we have been looking at how London has changed since the Great Fire of London. We know that houses are made of of bricks now instead of wood and the roads have been made wider.
We also went to the ALPS to carry out a science experiment based on the Great Fire of London. We discussed whether a paper, cardboard, wooden or brick house would burn the quickest. We set up the experiment making sure we were all stood at a safe distance. The teachers set each house on fire. The brick became very hot but did not burn down. The paper, cardboard and wooden houses all burnt down. We used a hose pipe to put out the fire to make sure it was safe.
Well done to all of the children who entered the Easter egg competition. They all looked egg-cellent!!
Thank you to all parents who attended parents evening this week. It was lovely to see so many of you.
We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter break! See you back at school on Tuesday 23rd April.
Love from
Miss Rose, Mrs Haselden, Mrs Stirrup
and all of 2W
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