Welcome back to our class blog.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and enjoyed the sunny weather! We have had a very busy week back at school.
In Maths, we have been recapping addition and subtraction. We have been using number lines, counting on using our fingers, counting in 10’s and three step calculations. Some of us have also completed some practice SATs questions.
This week in English we have all had a go at a practice spelling, punctuation and grammar SATs paper.
In Topic our new topic is ‘All Around the World’. We have located the 7 continents and 5 oceans using atlases to help us. We have also been looking at different countries around the world. We have learnt about the different landmarks, flags and currency of each country.
Well done to all of the children for settling back in and working so hard this week!
A big thank you for the donations of books for the new outside reading areas.
That’s all for this week,
Love from,
Miss Rose, Mrs Haselden, Mrs Stirrup
and all of 2W
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