Welcome back to our class blog
In Maths we have been learning about 2D shapes. We have been looking at their sides and vertices (corners) and investigating whether they are symmetrical.
In English we have been writing about a clip called 'The Clock tower'. It is about a girl who dances in a tall clock tower. One day she leaves to look at the world around her but everything turns grey and stops moving. The girl realises she is part of the clock tower and has to go back inside and keep dancing. If you would like to see the clip you will find it on a website called the literacy shed.
In Topic we have been learning about an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. He makes artwork out of natural materials he finds in the environment around him, so we decided to have a go ourselves. We went outside in the sunshine looking for materials such as stones, twigs, leaves and grass and making our own pictures in his style.
Well, that's all for this week, see you again next week
love from
Miss Rose, Mrs Stirrup
and all of Y2W
x x x