Welcome back to our class blog!
We hope everyone had a lovely half term. We can’t quite believe we are starting our last term in Year 2, how quickly time flies!
In Maths we have been learning about position and direction. We started off the week by finding out which way is left and which way is right. We went outside on the playground to practise giving each other instructions to move forwards, backwards, left and right.
This week in English we have been focusing on poetry. We started by looking at a picture on the moon. Using our imaginations, we thought of ideas of what else the picture could be. Some examples were: a glowing fire, a pointy pirate’s hook and a dragon’s eye peaking through a dark hole. We created some fantastic poems using our ideas!
On Friday, everyone came into school in their own clothes for ‘Dress Down Day’. Thank you to everyone for their donations for a very worthy cause.
This week letters went home about our next trip in Year 2. We will be going to the World Museum in Liverpool on Monday 24th June. Please ensure reply slips and money are returned as soon as possible.
Finally, a reminder that Year 1/Year 2 Sports Day is on Wednesday 19th June (9am - 10:30am).
That’s all for this week,
Love from,
Miss Rose, Mrs Haselden and all of 2W
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