Welcome back to our blog.
We can't believe we are already into our 2nd half term in year 2. Time really does fly when you're having fun!
In English we have started our new story 'Superworm'. It is all about a worm who is helpful and brave. He rescues his friends and helps them out if they are stuck. Last week we wrote a character description of Superworm, we thought of lots of exciting adjectives to describe how he looks and behaves. Over the next 2 weeks we will be writing our own version of the story involving lots of different animals.
In Maths we have been working on adding numbers within 100. We have been adding by putting a number in our heads and counting on using our fingers. We have also used 10s and 1s and been drawing our own empty number lines to help us add. This week we are moving on to doing 3-step addition. This is where we break the 2nd number into 10s and 1s to add it.
eg 43 + 25 =
43 + 20 = 63
63 + 5 = 68
This is a tricky calculation to learn but we are working hard and getting better each day!
In Topic we are starting our new topic of 'Journey around the UK' We are learning about each country that makes up the UK - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We are learning about famous landmarks and foods from each country as well as where they are on a map of the UK.
In Science we are learning about living things and their habitats. This week we have looked at the 7 characteristics of living things - this means the 7 things that all living things do. They are Movement, Respiration (breathing), Sensitivity, Nutrition (eating), Excretion (getting rid of waste), Reproduction (having young) and Growth.
As you can see we have had a busy start to our half term! We are already getting excited about the countdown to Christmas!
That's all for this week, see you again soon
Love from
Miss Rose, Mrs Haselden, Mrs Stirrup
and all of Y2W
x x x