Welcome back to our class blog.
This week in Maths we have been recapping multiplication and division. We have been sharing, grouping and drawing arrays.
In English we have completed a practice reading SATs paper.
In Topic we have been learning about different animals that live in Africa. We took part in a quiz where we had to guess which animal was being described - we really enjoyed playing this! We then went on to write some brilliant descriptions about lions and elephants.
Thank you to everyone for the support this week as some children started their SATs on Friday.
SATs will be continuing next week for all of the Year 2 children. It is important that the children arrive at school on time everyday please. When the children come into class each morning, they will be able to help themselves to a piece of toast before they start any work.
That’s all for this week! Enjoy your weekend.
Love from,
Mrs Hannon, Mrs Turton, Miss Grimshaw and all of 2F
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