Welcome back to our class blog.
This week in Maths we have been completing lots of ‘prove it’ tasks to show what we have learnt throughout the year.
In English, we have been continuing our work about the story ‘Kassim and the Greedy Dragon’. This week we have all come up with a new main character, bad character and setting and have been independently writing our own versions of the story.
This week in Topic we have been looking at the similarities and differences between Christopher Columbus and Robert Falcon Scott.
Once again, well done to 2F for having excellent attendance! We all got to come to school wearing our own clothes on Friday.
Please can all reading books and book bags be returned to school at the beginning of next week. Book bags will be sent to their new Year 3 class and will be givien back out in September.
That’s all for this week,
Love from,
Mrs Hannon, Mrs Turton, Miss Grimshaw and all of 2F
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