Welcome back to our blog. What a busy and hard working week we have had!
In Maths we have been learning the 3 step method of addition. This is when we add together two 2 digit numbers. First we add the tens, then we add the ones, then we find the total. We found this really tricky at first but after working with dienes, number lines and counting on we finally got it!!
In English we have been creating our own version of the story Zog. We chose our own animals and decided what they would learn if they went to school. We thought of giraffes who would learn to bend and stretch their neck as well as tigers who would learn to roar, run and hunt. We were very excited and planned our story this week, next week we will be writing our finished product, watch out JK Rowling, here we come!
In Topic this week we have been creating artwork in the style of Theodore Major. He liked to use charcoal to explore light and shadow. We discovered this was quite a messy job!
One last thing before we go...did we mention we got the highest attendance in school this week and got to wear our own clothes...AGAIN!!
All our teachers are so proud of us for coming to school every day.
Well, that's all for this week. Thank you for reading and see you again next week.
Lots of love from
Mrs Hannon, Ms Rose, Mrs Mason
and all of Y2F
x x x