Hello and welcome to our last, short blog of Y5W. It’s been an action packed, hard- working but fun year!
In Maths this week we carried on with scaling. Miss Power gave us recipes and our job was to scale them up for more people, or scale down for less people.
So, if the recipe was for 4 people and we needed to make it for 12 we had to multiply the recipe by 3
Have a bit of fun with the interactive recipe game.
We did a lot of practical topic work this week making our Greek pots. Covering balloons with 4 layers of gummed paper before painting them with the design we had drawn.
Westfield Fun Day.
On Monday, we all had a chance to enjoy some fun activities organised by our teachers. Each class had time to take part in the following:
As our class won the KS2 Attendance Trophy again this term, we were allowed an extra break. Mrs Pennington treated us to a game of rounders.
And finally, may we take the time to wish you a very happy summer break. Enjoy the sunshine but stay safe.
School re-opens on Tuesday 4th September
Happy Holidays!